Few people realize that Jan Brzechwa was not only a brilliant poet, but also a lawyer of international caliber, one of the most outstanding specialists in the field of copyright in Poland. The monograph is the first study of Brzechwa’s legacy as a lawyer. It presents his achievements in this field and the impact of his works in this field on the doctrine of law.
The publication comprehensively presents:
• unknown biography of J. Brzechwa as an attorney – presenting the artist’s life taking into account the basic facts of his biography;
• a critical analysis of the scientific achievements of J. Brzechwa – as a lawyer and scientist, including an unpublished commentary to the Copyright Act; his achievements in the field of international law, as well as J. Brzechwa’s interest in the development of new technologies;
• Brzechwa as a lawyer against the background of his era – Polish jurisprudence in the years 1929-1939 in his work was presented, sound film as a revolution in the film industry, a dispute between Zenon Przesmycki and prof. Tadeusz Pinim for the legacy of Cyprian Norwid and the role of J. Brzechwa in the dispute of the Polish Teachers’ Union against the “Illustrated Daily Courier”;
• selected post-war disputes – post-war legal activity of J. Brzechwa and issues concerning the legal situation of his unpublished commentary to the first Polish act on copyright.
The aim of the work is to discuss the hitherto unknown sphere of the poet’s life and present him in a new light, unknown to admirers of his poetic talent. Despite the enormous impact on the development of the copyright doctrine, Jan Brzechwa’s articles and publications in this field remain forgotten, therefore the authors try to present the legal threads in the artist’s biography and emphasize his role in shaping the interwar legal system in Poland and in the world.
The book is addressed not only to people interested in the life and work of Jan Brzechwa, but also to lawyers interested in the development of copyright, in which the poet played a significant role. Thanks to the combination of biographical, legal and historical threads, the publication has a universal character and will certainly be an extremely interesting item for readers.
Scientific editor: dr hab. prof. KU Przemysław Polański
Authors: Ewa Fabian; dr Dawid Kot, Jagiellonian University; dr hab. prof. Wojciech Machała from the University of Warsaw; dr hab. prof. ALK Przemysław Polański; Mariusz Urbanek