Seminar on applications utilizing artificial intelligence to assist people with special needs

We invite you to a scientific seminar that will take place online on December 11, 2024. The topic of the seminar will be applications utilizing artificial intelligence to assist people with special needs.

10:00 – 11:00 Artificial Intelligence for Accessible Work and Work in Accessibility – Dr. Wojciech Figiel, Assistant Professor at the Department of Research on Oral and Audiovisual Translation, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. He also works as a conference interpreter. Author of numerous publications on the accessibility of the translation profession for blind individuals. Accessibility consultant.

11:00 – 12:00 Automatic Transcription of Audio Recordings Using Machine Learning Algorithms – Radosław Morawski, Mazovian Association for Work for People with Disabilities “De Facto”

12:00 – 13:00 Sign Language Communication Using Virtual Human Avatars – Dr. Eng. Adam Piasecki, Leader of the Accessibility Plus Research Group, Łukasiewicz Research Network – EMAG Institute of Innovative Technologies

13:00 – 14:00 S2 Project – Jacek Różański

The moderator will be M.A. Monika Cieniewska, expert at the Foundation. After each presentation, there will be an online discussion. The entire event will be recorded with the consent of the speakers, and the presentations will be made available on the internet after the post-production stage.

The seminar is a result of the project: “Inclusion Supported by Artificial Intelligence – A Knowledge Compendium in an Online Publication,” application number: PW9/2023/2/3228, agreement number with PFRON: UM/PW9/2024/2/O_WIELKOPOLSKI/4151.