dr hab. Przemysław Polański – Founder and President of the FREE Foundation. Expert in the area of ICT law and legal informatics. Professor of law at Kozminski University. Programmer (Monash University, Australia) with PhD from the University of Melbourne (Australia) and Habilitation from Wroclaw University, Poland. Main architect of Legalis – commercial legal information system used by more than 20.000 lawyers in Poland. Author of books and articles on IT law e.g. . “Customary law of the Internet” T.M.C Asser Press, Haga 2007 and “Europejskie prawo handlu elektronicznego, Warszawa 2014. Advisor to the EU Commission on projects related to regulation of Cloud Computing, Privacy and Security. Certified Professional Scrum Master Level 1.
Supervisory board:
dr Dawid Kot – Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Foundation, Foundation’s attorney for representation of the entity in matters concerning applications and conclusion of contracts. An outstanding civilian, a specialist in the area of contract law, new technology law and e-commerce. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
Ms Hanna Markiewicz is our head of supervisory board as well as first PhD candidate with a scholarship financed directly by FREE thanks to a grant sposnored by NCN. Her area of research concentrates on information technology law, esp. WCAG 2.0 guidelines as well as biobanks and privacy law.
mgr Katarzyna Kamińska – a coordinator of 10 projects “Code to the Future” led by FREE as well as a recruitment and organisation specialist of the FREE Foundation.
lek. wet. Anna Dombek – a biologist and a vet educated overseas and in Poland with extensive experience in mentoring online content in English and Polish.
Rafał Andrykowski – project manager responsible for coordination of activities related to the acqusition of public sector bodies at FREE. Studied politology and worked for e-commerce giant Allegro in Poland.
Monika Cieniewska – a lawyer, expert in the area of web and mobile accessibility for blind people, a former director of the library for the blind people in Warsaw.
Joanna Polańska – Student Internship Project Coordinator at the Foundation for the Development of Electronic Education is responsible for organizing student volunteers in the process of supporting teachers in “Code to the Future” projects. Manager of IT projects at BAE Intelligent Systems. Foundation Volunteer.
PhD Students:
Ms Hanna Markiewicz is our first PhD candidate with a scholarship financed directly by FREE thanks to a grant sposnored by NCN. Her area of research concentrates on information technology law, esp. WCAG 2.0 guidelines as well as biobanks and privacy law.
adw. Ewa Fabian – a mentor and a legal researcher as well as practicing attorney at law, currently with ESB Matczuk, Matuszak-Leśny Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni sp.p., enthusiast of Intellectual Property, blockchain and music, ex-researcher at Warsaw University of Technology, interested in lex mercatoria issues beginning with master’s thesis (UW) in 2010.
dr Krzysztof Garstka – a legal researcher specialising in intellectual property and ICT law. PhD in Law in 2016 from the University of Nottingham on IP/ICT law. Publishes in leading international legal journals, such as International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Speaker at international conferences in Poland, United Kingdom and Belgium. Member of the research team dealing with automated enforcement measures in copyright law (University of East Anglia) and World Intermediary Liability Map project led by Stanford University.
mgr Anna Kijo – eksper in teaching coding skills in Poland. Owner of “Alpha nad Omega” school in Lodz. The author of “The Funny World of Robots for classes 1-3” and “The Funny World of WeDo 2.0 robots for classes 1-3” published in 2018 by Free Press.
mgr Tomasz Rupniewski – mentor and coordinator of educational projects in FREE Foundation. PhD in Arts (Warsaw University, Poland) and Master of Pedagogy (UW). Leads projects concerning teaching teachers and kids how to program using robots and visual programming environments. For many years worked in Internet marketing and educational sectors in Poland.
mgr Katarzyna Łodygowska – lawyer (UW) and founder of a blog Volunteered during the set-up phase of FREE Foundation and coordinated early research projects.
mgr Magdalena Wałęsiak – laywer (UAM, Poznań, Poland) and volunteer of FREE Foundation. Coordinates eduactional projects outside of Warsaw area.
mgr Daniel Siciński – lawyer (UW) and a legal trainee at Warsaw Bar Association. Volunteer of FREE Foundation. Coordinates tranlsation and provides basic legal support.
mec. Marcin Chałupka – an attorney-at-law (radca prawny), expert of Ośrodek Badań, Studiów i Legislacji Krajowej Rady Radców Prawnych. A specialist in law on higher education. Author of numerous publications on educational law. A member of research team of FREE Foundation dealing with a reform of Polish Higher Education Law in 2016. More on
dr hab. Jerzy Mischke – former member of the Supervisory Board of the FREE Foundation. PhD in Engineering and Doctor Habilitatus as well as Professor Emeritus from Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica in Cracow, Poland. For many years an active participant in e-learning community in Poland. Founding Member of the Association of Academic Elearning in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Elearningu Akademickiego).
mgr Anna Stanisławska-Mischke – former member of the Supervisory Board of the FREE Foundation. Master of Philosophy (KUL, Lublin, Poland) and a very experienced instructional designer as well as an expert in eletronic education. Founding Member of the Association of Academic Elearning in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Elearningu Akademickiego).
Ewa Machnacz – mentoring support and creative input to new learning-based projects.
mgr Łukasz Ściebior – a public tender specialist in the project “Kod do przyszłości” of the FREE Foundation.
mgr Gabriela Mucharska – a financial advisory specialist in the project “Kod do przyszłości” of the FREE Foundation.
Pomorski Doradztwo Podatkowe sp. z o.o. – accounting of FREE.