On January 8, 2021, the bodies of the European Union completed a public consultation (“Have your say”) on the directions for the amendment of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 26, 2016 on the availability of websites and mobile applications of sector bodies public. Using the form, we submitted comments to the current content of Directive 2016/2102, focusing on the issue of notifications of digital unavailability to a public authority.
We also reported the problem of discrepancies in the content of the declaration of digital accessibility in the European Union, which result, on the one hand, from the ambiguity of the 2018/1523 Implementing Decision regarding the content of the declaration of accessibility, and on the other hand, from Polish law, which goes beyond the content of this decision, introducing new mandatory elements of the declaration of accessibility. We identified these discrepancies in the course of empirical research on accessibility declarations in Poland, Malta and Ireland. You can read the comments [Read here ].